We are on our way
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
August 1, 2016

Yes folks we are finally on our way with the renovation of station 9. After months of waiting for the permit process to work its way through St. Mary's County Government our contractor Wayne Davis got the final building permit to begin work. We kind of thought we would begin in March but that was wishful thinking on our part. The time frame for the job will be about six months to completion. During the process I will try and do like our Deputy Chief Stockwell and give everyone an update as it moves along like he does with our new Tower 9.

I hope that this job goes smoothly and before you know it will be done. We will end up with more private rooms and bigger ones along with a nice new kitchen and eating area. Will also have new restrooms and a lounge on the first and second floor.

It's going to be rough for a few months but I know the guys can do it. One of the hardest things that I will have to do is park over in the Elks parking lot and walk across to the building. I want to thank them for allowing us to use their place while our lot is blocked off.

So all my friends out there in cyber space stand by for further updates.