Multiple Companies Respond To The 9-03 Box For A Large Brush Fire
By Bay District Volunteers
April 12, 2016

Just after 9pm Station 9 was alerted for an outside fire behind the RC Theaters. Brush 9 responded shortly after dispatch and while enroute communications advised that the police were on scene and had a large fire in the clearing at the construction site and were trying to figure out access. Based on that information Brush 9 asked to have the Pumper Tanker from St. 9 respond.

Brush 9 arrived on the scene and observed a large debris fire roughly 100 by 50 feet that was located about 1/2 mile off the roadway in a large area that was being cleared for future construction. Once access had been obtained Brush 9 asked for additional tankers and brush units. Maryland Dept. of Forestry was also asked to respond.

Due to the limited access and terrain for tankers a hydrant was utilized in the movie theater parking lot and over 600 feet of 3' supply line was laid to establish a water supply for refilling the brush trucks.

Once forestry arrived with a bulldozer and other heavy equipment from nearby Chaney Enterprises the large pile was broken down and spread part for easier extinguishment. Units remained on the scene for over three hours working to contain and extinguish the difficult fire.

Chief 3B held the command, Chief 9B had water supply and Brush 9 (FF Yount) had operations.

BDVFD wishes to thank all the companies that assisted us and responded mutual aid.

***Photos Courtesy of BDVFD Bruce Theden***

Units: Brush 9 & 3, Tanker 93 & 33, Utility 9
Mutual Aid: Brush 1,7,13,83, Engine 132, Tanker 74, Jeep 1, Maryland Dept. of Forestry