The Costume Of The Night...
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
November 5, 2015

Now I would be remiss if I didn’t take the time to do a special story about a young lady and her family who this year went all out to make Halloween a special night for this beautiful gal.

You see Carly is confined to a wheel chair and sometimes kids like her get left out during special occasions like Halloween. Well her Mom Christie Moore along with our Past Fire Chief Shawn Downs decided to convert her wheelchair into an exact likeness of our Engine 91.

I could not believe it when they drove up to the station and got out with her behind the wheel and Shawn doing the pushing. You should have heard all the raves when they came into the firehouse. Check out the pictures and you will see why. How many hours did they spend on this to make a little girl so happy? This was one of the more feel good stories of this special night for all the ghosts and goblins in the town.