Always Something Exciting Going On Around Bay District
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
February 7, 2015

I have begun the habit of sitting around the station on Saturday’s to see just what kind of action I can catch to take a few pictures. Most days you won’t be disappointed because one station or the other will run a call or two. I didn’t have long to wait when a call for an accident was toned out with the location being on Indian Bridge Road in the area of Cecil’s old mill.

The engine from station 3 marked up almost before the call was finished being dispatched and I thought maybe this would be a time for me to get a picture of the men in action so I responded down with Deputy Chief 9 and we heard our fire chief mark up responding also on the call. Upon their arrival it was determined that it was not too serious so Rescue Engine 62 (Valley Lee) was placed in service. We are still waiting for our new squad to be placed in service as all the equipment is currently being mounted on it.

The ambulance from Lexington Park Rescue Squad was on the scene and I think they took a couple of patients with minor injuries to St. Mary’s Hospital.

Engine 31 then cleared the scene to return to quarters and await the next call. This was just one of the many motor vehicle accidents both stations run.

Now about this other call I happened to go on and all you firemen out there can relate to this one. A frantic citizen calls the fireboard to ask for help to get their cat out of a tree. Now, I know what all of you are thinking about never seeing a cat’s skeleton in a tree but try to tell that to the little kids who belong to the cat. Because Truck 3 was out of service we took Tower 9 on down to see what we could do.

When we arrived it was obvious right off the bat that the tower was not going to be able to reach the tree and there was no ladder that would reach up to where the cat was, about 70’, up the pine tree. They had a neighbor with those things that linemen wear on their boots and he tried to go up and get the cat but as we all know it just kept climbing the tree higher and higher. So on this one we had to return to quarters without a rescue. The owners had smeared tuna fish all around the tree and put food at the bottom and I told the lady that it would come down when it got real hungry but it might be a couple of days. As they say you win some and you lose some and I will check back in a day or so with the family to see if kitty came down. I know there are plenty of cat owners out there in cyber land that would be proud of the fact that we went and tried.

Units: Engine 31. Tower 9 and the Fire Chief
Mutual Aid: Rescue Engine 62 (Valley Lee)