Bay District Volunteers Keep A Tradition Going....
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
December 24, 2014

Well it was Christmas Eve again in the year 2014 and the volunteers from Bay District were again going out to the Chesapeake Shores Nursing Home for our yearly visit with the residents and staff. We have been doing this visit for over 20 years and it was first started by our beloved web master Jason Adams. It has grown over the years as we now have a Santa Claus and gift bags for all the residents. Funny when we first started our budget only allowed us to buy candy canes. We have come a long way over the years and for that we are very proud.

It all starts with our Associates buying the stuff for the gift bags then we take everything back to the station to put in the gift bags. We fill the over 150 bags for the residents then just wait until Christmas Eve to load up on the apparatus along with Santa and make our way down to the nursing home.

It is always a joyous evening as we arrive in front and everyone gets off to unload the gift bags and make our way into the home. We are always met with clapping hands and big smiles from all. We make our way down each hallway stopping at every room so that Santa can make a visit and drop off a gift bag. I’m telling you as I tell all the new members that come down with us that it truly warms the heart to see the looks on the faces of the residents. Some of these people don’t see anyone most of the time and we want to make sure that doesn’t happen on Christmas.

So after we finish we gather out front for a group picture then wish each other a Merry Christmas and head home to be with our families knowing that we did something good for someone on this evening called Christmas Eve.