Bay District Engine Company's Run Fire In Leonardtown
By Fire Captain Daniel Burroughs
December 17, 2014

On December 17 Bay District Volunteers were kept busy. All within 3 hours both Stations 3 & 9 handled 3 accidents and 2 house fires.

After units were clearing the first house fire in California at 09:59 & the second one was being dispatched in Leonardtown at 10:05. Rescue 3 returned from the call in California to station 3 to get the pumper tanker and Engine 91 responded to Leonardtown. Engine 93 also responded followed by Engine 33 a short time later.

Chief 7 arrived on scene with a single family home with fire through the roof. While units were responding to the fire Engine 10 was involved in a single vehicle accident. This forced Engine 91 to become the first in engine. Engine 91 laid a supply line from the driveway and its crew deployed an attack line on the fire. Engine 93 arrived next picking up 91's line and establishing the water supply. Truck 1 arrived followed by Engine 33 and units from Valley Lee, Hollywood, Solomon's, & Seventh District. Crews worked in cycles on the attack lines to bring the fire under control in just over 30 minutes. Both primary and secondary searches of the home come up with negative results. Extensive overhaul was going to have to be done before units could clear. Command requested the State Fire Marshall to investigate the cause of the fire. The family is being assisted by the American Red Cross.

Prince George's County Engine 836 from Baden filled in at station 9 while Ridge Engine 44 filled in at station 3. Bay District units were in quarters by 13:30 hours.

The member of Bay District VFD wish a quick recovery to the members on Engine 10 from Leonardtown VFD.

**Photo's Courtesy of SMNEWSNET.COM**

Units: Bay District Units: Engine 91, Engine 93, Engine 33 - Other Units Responding: E10, E14, E52, E63, E74, E831, TRK 1, T5,WS5, A69, A799
Mutual Aid: PG Engine 836, Engine 44 (Fill In for BDVFD)
Hyperlinks: Audio of the Incident