E-32 Week 2, SQ-3 Week 6 Progress Report for 10/17/14
By Committee Chairmen Steve Stockwell
October 20, 2014

The production is moving along for both E-32 and SQ-3. SQ-3 has the cab mounted to the chassis and most of the interior work for the cab being nearly complete. The body is in the paint booth and once painted should be ready to install on the chassis. A few members of the committee will head out to Wisconsin to inspect the truck on Thursday and Friday, in which we hope to see the body just being mounted on the chassis.

E-32's cab is nearly completed with any fabrication work and the engine cover has been Line-X'd for durability in which all of our recent apparatus have been. The reason is to make it able to take a beating with tools and equipment and the day-in-day out wear of everyday use, plus it stays fairly clean over time as well. The body is also just about done and the chassis should be on its way towards completion to meet up with the rest of the truck within the next future weeks.

Units: E-32 and SQ-3