Sunday Evening Brings Rv Fire
By Fire Captain Daniel Burroughs
August 17, 2014

On Sunday August 17, 2014 just before 18:00 hours Station 9 was alerted for a vehicle fire. A couple minutes’ later Hollywood station 7 and Solomon's station 3. The first unit on scene was Utility 9 with Sergeant 9B reporting an RV almost fully involved. Engine 34 (Solomon's) arrived and pulled an attack line and started fire suppression. Communications advised that the driver was unaccounted for as well as a pet dog. At this time Captain 3 arrived and assumed command and Engine 74 (Hollywood) arrived followed by Engine 93. The crew from Engine 34 had removed a small dog from the RV and attempted to revive the dog to no avail. Engine 74's driver advised command that the driver was found outside and was safe. Crews worked for an hour to have the RV overhauled and to have all the hot spots put out. All units were able to clear just over an hour after dispatch.

*Photos courtesy of SMNEWSNET.COM*

Units: Engine 93, Captain 3, Utilities 3 & 9
Mutual Aid: Engine 74, Solomon's Engine 34, Ambulance 387 (Station 38) & Solomon's Ambulance 38
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