National Night Out and Annual Pool Party and Picnic
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
August 19, 2014

I have been a little lazy getting to the scene for pictures of real calls but I did manage to get some for the National Night Out so thought I would post them for everyone's enjoyment. I will also be putting some pictures on here of our annual picnic and pool party.

Now the National Night Out is as you all know where neighborhoods pick a spot in the neighborhood where they set up games and food for all to come out and enjoy and get to know their neighbors and also their fire department, rescue squad, and the police.

It's really a good time for all and this year was no exception. We took engines, squad and ladder trucks around for all the kids to get up close and personal. After everyone had time to check out the equipment we knew they had their bathing suits on for a reason and that was to get a shower provided by us. So we hooked the engine up to a hydrant and had plenty of water to flow the deck gun. It looks so inviting on a hot summer night we all ran through it.

Now as I said there was always plenty of food for all and we were not bashful about stepping up to the plate. We also passed out fire prevention material so it was a win-win for all. We have been doing this for however long there has been a National Night Out but I don't know how many years that has been. There are some fine people out there and we are so glad that they allow us to be a part of their night out.

Now during the month of August we have our annual picnic and pool party so some of the old timers helped to get the hamburgers, hotdogs and steamed shrimp and we also had Mission Bar B-Que stop by with a big helping of what they are famous for and there was plenty of food for all to enjoy then it was time to head over to the Elks Lodge to use there swimming pool for the evening. They are such nice neighbors and allow us the use of the pool at no charge. I will say one thing that water in the pool was COLD. I noticed most just ate and let their kids jump in the pool. You know kids don't care how cold the water is they just want to get wet.

Good time was has by all and now we look forward to our Christmas party which will be here before you know it.

Thanks to my assistant Rick Montrose for taking the pictures for me so I could just run my mouth and eat.

Units: Everything we had a driver for from both stations.