Welcome to our new Neighbors
By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
July 12, 2014

On July 12, 2014 the brothers and sisters of the Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad moved into their long awaited new station in Lexington Park at the rear of station 3 and on the new access road of the FDR Boulevard . It has been over 30 years in the making but I’m sure all will agree that it was worth the wait.
I was about an hour early before the dedication was scheduled and had the pleasure of having the Rescue Squad Chief Shawn Davidson show me around. It is funny but I remember Shawn running around the old squad building on Great Mills Road while his dad was the chief and mom was president.

Before they had a building to house the ambulances they had to park them at the duty crew’s home and when responding to a call they would drive and pick up their crew. Now a big step up was getting the building next to the Church of Ascension that they were then able to have room to park the ambulances inside out of the weather so in the winter time they didn’t have to clean the ice off the windshield before responding to a call.

Now for thirty years they made out with what they had but all the time in the back of the minds of their leaders they knew they needed more room. One giant step was the building of a nice station (38) on Hewitt Road to cover the northern end of their run area never forgetting that they needed to look around for a place for a new station in Lexington Park. As luck would have it a piece of land was made available to the squad at the rear of our station right along the FDR right of way.

So after just a little over one year it was time to cut the ribbon and celebrate the big day. There were all the politicians there to say a few words (are elections coming up soon?) and present the chief and president with a new set of flags to proudly fly in front of the station. After the speeches it was time for all to go inside for a tour and cake.

It is a beautiful building and I don’t think they will know what to do with all the room. Trust me it will fill up before you know it. The members of Bay District welcome our new neighbors who for years and years we have had a great working relationship with and we look for that to continue for years to come.